Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hello, Everyone.
Across the street, my neighbor's trees are turning colors... one in particular is now full of orange/yellow/melon colored leaves. SOOO pretty!! Our little apple trees still have some green leaves, but they are turning brown. Thinking that the Hubby hasn't watered them as well as he should have. But this summer was very busy and too many things going on to remember,,, not to mention we were gone for more than 3 weeks, after my Mother passed away.

This picture doesn't show the pretty orange and melon in the leaf colors... too bright out, I guess. Taken with my phone.

Speaking of fall colors; I usually redecorate for Spring, Fall and Christmas. I'll share with you, Dear Reader, a couple of my fall colored decorations and quilts. I have several, but most need to be quilted yet....

Here is my Jewel Box made in pretty bright and cheery fall colors...

I can't figure out how to turn the picture around... darn it..... Hope you get the idea, anyway.

This picture is of the Jewel Box wallhanging I made to go with the quilt.

I made these several years ago. Finished the wallhanging,, but hadn't finished the quilt until this June. I had a local friend, who does longarm quilting, quilt it. I really love these quilts!!! They add brightness, color and joy to my home!  It took me about 3 or 4 years to collect the fabrics for these. Then made them and FINALLY have them done and reading to use. Well, I should say, almost done.. the binding on the quilt isn't done, yet.... but plan on getting that done soon. 

There  are a couple other fall quilts that need quilting,,,,hopefully, they will get that done soon! Just need to send them out and let an online friend work her magic!! Then I need to have some Christmas quilts quilted!! My bucket list has a Longarm quilting machine in it,,,, but that will have to wait for school to be out and me finding a job! LOL!!!

As fall arrives, it's been a time of changes. Days are shorter, cooler and winter is just a snowfall away.  Lots of changes have occurred!! Health issues, changing programs at school, family births and my Mama's death are just a few that have made a profound affect on my life. I'm still working on my weight and health, and still dealing with the loss of Mom. Her birthday is in November. She would have been 81. I miss her sooooo...... I've also made changes in lessening stress in my life... some of the changes necessary for that were not met with understanding... but I can't worry about that anymore. What is done is done.... although, if I was wrong in how I dealt with the one change, God will guide me. So far, it's feels so much better, and I can keep in touch with those who really care.

So, Dear Reader, have a grand day. Prayers for your health and happiness going up.

Please, leave a comment.... Do you decorate for the seasons? Do you have quilts or projects that take you years to finish, too? I'm  hoping I'm not the only one! hehehehehehe

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